YouCure suggests homeopathic remedies as a first aid in several health conditions. Ever since the beginning days of homeopathy, it appeared that certain remedies were more often useful in a given condition than others. Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, gained a solid reputation by treating cholera. He observed that, many times, camphora, cuprum metallicum or veratrum album were the successful remedies.
YouCure does not suggest using the same remedy for the same condition for everyone. That would go against the important need of individualization in homeopathic prescribing. On the contrary, YouCure offers a set of well-thought questions that allow to individualize the prescription.
The scenario leading to the suggested remedy is not a superficial scheme, based on too limited variables. In the background, YouCure consults probably the largest professional database of solid homeopathic symptoms, available today.
One of the techniques used is a so called repertorization or symptom analysis. All remedies related to the first symptom are matched against the second symptom and so on. When a pattern is recognized, YouCure suggests a remedy.
This is the technique used by the most skilled professional homeopaths, based on facts and precision.
Depending upon your replies, different patterns may even lead to the same remedy: YouCure offers a more individualized and precise reply than rigid schemes.
Here you will find some of the references consulted by our team to create the data used by YouCure.
A critical reminder: even if our team is happy to offer you a state-of-the-art tool, YouCure should never distract you from seeking advice with a professional health care provider. If your complaints are important, if the reaction to the suggested remedy is confusing, do not delay contacting a professional health care provider.